Monday, February 05, 2007

Linwood Grill, Boston - February 23, 2007

The Hammond Group is pleased to announce the presentation of its Initial Public Offering, to be held on Friday, February 23 at the Linwood Grill in Boston.

Joining The Hammond Group for this event will be its strategic partners Miskatonic and The Auto Interiors. The Hammond Group is slated to be the evening's first presenters, so interested parties are advised to arrive at the Linwood between 8:30 pm and 9:00 pm. (Food and beverage will be available for purchase.)


Anonymous said...

I'm sharpening my drumsticks and putting new batteries in my laser pointer.

Anonymous said...

My associates and I are looking forward to your deliverables.

Anonymous said...

Accounts Payable will be there, if only to belittle those brown nosing, ass kissers from Accounts Receivable! God, how I hate them.
ps. got my eye on you too Accounts Forwarding!

Stan Deviant (Bass) said...

Despite numerous distractions and alternative professional ambitions of the past year, The Hammond Group has successfully pursued a fair investigation of the musical interests within our communities. Using these findings and exercising due diligence we've developed a comprehensive initial product utilizing our core competencies within the 21st century surf-punk genre. During our presentation on February 23 we will introduce participants to the scope of our value added product offerings in an engaging, interactive work-group format. We look forward to partnering with you in the enhancement your musical experiences.

Most Sincerely,
Stan Deviant (Drums)